Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Forever Young: Summer Skin Tips To Save Your Skin

Good morning beautynistas!  Summer is almost here and we are all dreaming of laying on a beach somewhere hot and sunny.  I am all for that idea, but at the same time we all also need to be considering protection for our skin with any over exposed sun time.  With our glorious long awaited summer comes other annoyances that can truly damage our skin.  Try some of these solutions below that will help protect your skin, helping you to ultimately appear seemingly forever young in the sun.

Bug Bites:  We all dread bug bites in the summer, along with the redness they leave behind and the constant itch they bring.  Everyone in theory knows not to scratch, but do we really ever listen??  Try applying Aveeno Hydrocortisone 1% Anti Itch Cream to the bites, it will help to relieve itch and keep your skin from scabbing.

Fade ream:  The sun tends to bring out any dark spots or skin imperfections we have, commonly on our foreheads, cheeks, and sometimes upper lip.  Try applying a fade cream nightly to reduce the appearance of these unwanted spots.  Clinique has a great one, Clinique Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Remover.

Melon:  Cantaloupe is not only tasty but it is also the melon for amazing summer skin.  The juicy fruit is rich in anti oxidants and provides a natural hydration to skin that results in a glowing complexion.  Watermelon is another favorite and can actually boost your SPF by several degrees.  Yummmmm.

Exfoliate Before Showering:  Exfoliating before getting in the shower is actually the best way to keep your skin at its softest.  Apply a thick scrub to dry skin before hopping in the shower, paying close attention to knees and elbows.  Rinse the scrub in the shower and finish off with a heavy cream or oil within minutes of drying off for the most moisture.

Full Brim Hats:  Some of your cute base ball hats or stylish fedoras will not protect your face from the sun at all angles.  Opt for a wider brimmed hat like those seen at the derby's.  These particular hats are more in style than they ever have been so they shouldn't be hard to find.  You will look chic and fabulous while protecting your face, win win.

Red Wine:  White wine is refreshing to drink in the summer heat with its crisp chill, but red wine is healing.  Resveratol, a naturally occurring phenol found in the skin of red grapes can help to decrease redness from your sun burns.  It surprisingly has an anti inflammatory and anti oxidant effect.  Cheers to that!

Eat Your SPF:  There is some evidence that orally ingesting Vitamins C and E together can reduce your potential for sun burn.  A nice salad rich in berries and nuts is the perfect combo for this, It makes a perfect refreshing lunch on a hot summer day.

SPF Naked:  Lets be honest bathing suits and teeny weeny as it is, and though they do partially cover our skin, they do not protect the skin from the sun.  Apply sun protectant lotion to the skin BEFORE putting on your bathing suit.  This will ensure that all parts of your body are protected.

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