Friday, March 21, 2014

April Showers Bring ...

April showers bring May flowers HAIR PROBLEMS!!!  After the absolute hell that I think we can all agree this winter was, I am so sad to think that warmth is still potentially so far away.  The hope that every one clings to after a bitter winter is somehow slightly squashed knowing the impending rainiest month of the year is still upon us.  And let's face it, May's flowers are not the only thing that April's horrendous showers bring.   April brings torrential rain, and rain brings torrential bad hair days.  The humidity and moisture are a quick way to completely ruin any attempt you make at looking presentable before walking out your door.  If your hair is curly it gets frizzy ...if its straight it goes limp...curly hair won't stay straight and strait hair won't stay curly.  There is just no up side to this.  BUT try some of these tips below to help reduce the undeniable frizz and madness that is sure to ensue.

Leave In Conditioner- After showering,when your hair is still damp, throw in a leave in conditioner.  This will add some weight and texture to your hair and create a layer for the outside moisture to break through.  It will also help to smooth the hair as it drys and fight off frizz.

Wash Your Hair LESS- Washing your hair fewer times will prevent it from drying out.  Dry hair is more prone to frizz and damage.  Letting it go a little longer between shampoos will let the natural oils from your hair and scalp act as another form of protectant.

Air Dry- When time allows, let your hair air dry on those rainy days.  Blow drying it will shock and expand the cuticle leaving it open and prone to the damp weather.

Don't Fight The Curl-  If your hair is naturally wavy or curly, this would be the time to embrace it.  Don't even spend the time attempting to straighten it or blow it out.  Not only will this just create more heat damage, but all your hard work will go out the window the second you step out side.  Put some soothing hair cream in it while wet to help smooth it out, then add a little serum to it when it is dry to eliminate frizz.

Top Knot-  When all else fails, rock the knot.  This is especially great for people with limp or fine hair.  It is a cute style that has become very fashion forward and cute.  The rainy weather will only put more of a damper on us girls with finer textured hair and adding more product will ultimately weigh our locks down.  Sometimes throwing it up in a nice bun will keep it out of your face, keep it tamed, and have you looking chic all at the same time.

Weekly Deep Conditioning-  A nice deep conditioner or hair mask in your hair once a week will help to keep it soft.  It won't necessarily help preventing your straight hair from going curly, but it will help to keep it healthy and conditioned which will prevent un wanted fly aways and frizz.

For Thicker Curlier Hair- Try using a softening shampoo like Redken's "All Soft".  It will help to smooth and soften your locks while holding in the right kind of moisture.  It will also make your hair appear more silky and less frizzy.

For Thinner Straighter Hair- Use a volumizing shampoo and conditioner, Moroccon Oil has a great one.  This will help to add some extra boost to your hair while the rain tries to bring it down.  It will give you that added volume that we all strive for.


  1. It is important that you use sulfate free shampoos since sulfates dry out and roughen up your hair. Sulfate free products are much gentler so you can use them daily if you need to. Also use weekly hair masks with stuff like honey, olive oil, avocado, banana, eggs or even mayo helps. Look up the Pro Natural’s hair care online and get what you want from them. Argan oil is really good for making hair soft and shiny and this is best for dry hair.

  2. All great advice Stephi! Thanks for sharing, we love input!


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