Friday, December 7, 2012

Martinis UP..Holiday Cocktail Tips!

Good morning beautynistas and happy Friday!  We made it another week and that causes for some celebration.  With celebration comes drinking and with drinking comes know the drill.  We all know this girl loves herself a good cocktail, the calories??  Not so much!  Fret not though, a professional fitness trainer and personal friend of mine, Kyle Anderson, has been generous enough to come up with some holiday drinking tips (I know, awesome) that are sure to be delicious, and knowing him, healthy as well.  He doesn't play games when it comes to health and fitness.  Take a read below and let us know what you think.  I know I will be making these lovelies at home for friends over the holidays and I hope you do too!  DRINK UP! 

"Happy holidays all!  Tis the season to break every rule known to man and feel absolutely guiltless in doing so. Whether it be maxing out credit cards or eating until you have given yourself an unintentional personal gift, a spare tire around the mid section, things happen.  My favorite is when we all give ourselves that pointless mental pep talk, telling ourselves that we're only going to drink one glass of Champagne and one Vodka soda. Next thing you know you're five drinks in, wearing a Santa hat, carrying around s mistletoe and photo copying your bare ass at the company holiday party.  Classy..Don't be that girl. Yea, it will all make for a good story on Monday, but was it worth it? 
In the month of December, you're more likely to take in a minimum of 500 calories more a day by consuming various kinds of alcohol and food. Not only does your calorie intake skyrocket, but your in take of sugars and fat go up as well. All these these things can contribute to habitual patterns and immune systems being shot strait to hell.

Here's where I become your best friend. Lets be real, most of you won't stop drinking. Screw it, it's fun.  But I want you to stop worrying about calories for a second. What if you could raise your glass to the party gods all you want and stay remotely health conscience at the same time? Hear are a few drink recipes I've actually tried. They are definitely more healthy than the lethal libations you're used to. 


Cranberry Cosmopolitan: 1/2 cup Cranberry Liqueur, 1/4 cup Cointreau, 2 tablespoons lime juice.  Mix with 1 cup crushed ice; strain into martini glass.  Makes 2 cocktails.
Benefits: Cranberries are loaded with vitamin C which is essential during the cold and flu season. They also help with urinary tract infections and help rid the body of free radicals(toxins).

Pomegranate Champagne Punch: 2 cups Champagne , 1 cup of pomegranate juice, 1 cup seltzer , 1/2 cup of citrus vodka , lemon twists for flare.
Benefits: Pomegranate fruit is loaded with antioxidants but more importantly they contain the same cancer fighting poly-phenols as green tea. They are also contain potassium which helps build protein and breakdown carbs.

Pear-Ginger Shooters: 4 ripe Anjou pears, 1 cup apple cider, 1 cup dry white wine, 1-2 tablespoons  minced ginger, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 1/2 tablespoons of honey.
Benefits: Ginger is one of those ingredients that does a little bit of everything. Have the sniffles? Ginger has been used to open the sinuses. It's also said to be used as an aphrodisiac. 

Blood Orange Sangria: 2 cups strawberries, 2 cups apple juice, 1/2 cup of Triple Sec, 1/2 cup of sugar, 4 cloves, 4 blood oranges, 2 bottles of fruity red wine, 2 cinnamon sticks, 1 lemon, 1 lime.
Benefits: This recipe is absolutely loaded with vitamin C. Red wine is also packed with antioxidants and may prevent fat accumulation and reduce insulin resistance, which lowers the risk of diabetes.

Bonus Tip: For those who need help on exercising a little more restraint, try this. Next time you're at a party or having drinks with a girlfriend, try sharing the drink. The average drink is served in a tumbler glass which is a little less than a cup. Make a pact before the party or bar outing to police each other. That way every drink portion is cut in half. All the drink mixers are cut in half as well."
Written by: 
Kyle Anderson

Hope this helps ladies and gentlemen!  Thanks again to Kyle for all the awesome recipes and benefits!

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