Monday, October 1, 2012

We are BACK!.....Again.

Ok beautynistas listen up!  Sassy Chic has been M-I-A for too long but for very good reason.  We have been very busy growing our business and knee deep in the day to day of the beauty industry, a world we all know and love.  Being that we are working every day on many different projects we decided to not only share our beauty tips and knowledge with you, but to take it a step further.  We want to share with all of you lovelies stories of what goes on in the field.  And by field, I mean on the sets of our film/television productions, in the trenches of the weddings we do, and the back stage secrets of the fashion shows and photo shoots we are a part of.  We want to just get on a little more of a personal level with all of you wonderful readers.   Whatever we are doing we want to share it with you.  We also want you to send us questions, stories, things you love, so we can all share our experiences together!  We can tell you trends and tips all day and will continue to do so, but not often to you really get to hear about whats really going on in this crazy world we call beauty and entertainment.   We are asked far too often about what it's really like to do what we do and here is our chance to bring you in on it.  So stay tuned Beautynistas, we have stories to share, stories to gossip vent about, and stories to inspire!  We look forward to your feedback!



  1. you've been mia for a long time! i missed you :(

    Elemis skin care

    1. Too long, but we are glad you noticed @fredney! Stay tuned :)) and keep the comments coming! <3


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